
You may be the strongest support your student will have. Delivery of content is one thing, but taking into consideration the background of your struggling student will make the biggest difference. How is their time spent when not in school? Have they suffered any traumatic event? Who are their friends? What additional supports do they need? Each student is unique – from their background, personality and aspirations – how can you support them in getting there? We offer you support for the following:

Evidence-Informed Mental Health Resources for Educators and School Counsellors & Counselling Services for Educators

  • Learn about the array of evidenced-informed, social-emotional, trauma-informed, mental wellbeing resources for your classroom

  • Determine which are suitable for your classroom, the individuality of your students and adapting techniques for those with developmental disabilities

  • Counselling for educator or school counsellor mental health, burnout, self-care and boundary-setting